Group fat loss coaching

Group fat loss coaching

For 12 week program

Group fat loss coaching. We will go through nutrition rehabilitation to get you eating a healthy diet that supports and fuels your body, behavioural change to tackle yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, dieting language and mentality and Create a healthy lifestyle that works for you. You will receive A digital 12 week meal guide and I will give you the education to learn how to nutritionally balance your meals and week. Weekly accountability forms to evaluate and succeed to push forwards. I will provide training videos to help you get the most out the plan, set goals, and give in depth information and guidance. We will tackle learned behaviours and habits to move to food freedom creating a healthy lifestyle so you don’t need to yo-yo diet again.

This is a healthy approach to fat loss, no fad diets or needing to spend hours upon hours in the gym. No counting calories and no missing out on special occasions involving food. 

I followed science backed evidence and have followed a certification program to be qualified to guide and coach you. The correct information is important. 

All nutrition plans have been designed a professional registered nutritionist. 

You will be part of a group community which will help support you, motivate you and hold you accountable. We will create a positive way forwards to body confidence no food guilt or body shaming, be kind to your self and help to fuel your body the healthy way. (This does include a bit of everything no food groups need to be cut out, yes you can still eat carbs and go out for dinner!)

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